Saturday, March 9, 2019

Multnomah Falls, Oregon - August 2014

2014 was a slow travel year for us, at least according to my photos! But we were most looking forward to going to Oregon to visit Bryan's dad. After seeing his mom for Thanksgiving, we knew we needed to go see his dad......and an added bonus was that I had never been to Oregon before, so I was able to cross another state off of my list!

Bryan's dad and stepmom had been going to a country music festival each fall, called Country Jamboree, so they invited us to come with them. Naturally, I made Bryan do some extra stops along the way! :)

As soon as we landed, we drove not far east from Portland, to Multnomah Falls. I'm sure everyone is familiar with this park, as the pictures are all over the internet. I was excited to learn that it wasn't a long drive for us to make a visit (and hike!) ourselves. 

After this stop, I knew our entire visit to Oregon was going to be amazing - so beautiful! When we were done with the hike, we headed to Monroe, Oregon, to have lunch with one set of Bryan's grandparents, before heading to the concert for the first night of sleep!

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