Friday, September 3, 2010

Road Rules/Lessons We Need to Remember

Yesterday was the big drive to Denver. No, I did not drive down I-80 with a big U-Haul. It was just me and my shoes, and a few boxes of clothes! It took me just under 8 hours to go from Lincoln to Castle Rock, and I did not get nearly as bored as I thought I would - yay! However, during the drive there were quite a few annoyances from other drivers on the road. So here's the list of rules/comments we should all consider when driving down the interstate:

1) Semis should only be allowed to drive at night. Those drivers are on the road more than anyone else, yet I believe they're the some of the worst drivers around!

2) If you're driving along and you catch up to someone and need them to get over the right lane so you can pass them, it's practically a guarantee that you'll tap your break, turning off cruise control, and THEN they'll move over.

3) On that note, if you don't plan on driving the speed limit, pull off or get over.

4) There are some drivers who ride your tail, but you can't get over because there's another car. When you do finally pull into the right lane, they most likely will not pass you. But when they finally do pass you, they'll choose to then cut you off, forcing you to hit the brakes - again.

5) A small reminder for everyone: Those dotted lines are there for a reason. You're not supposed to cross them unless your changing lanes. And if you're doing that, check to make sure there are no cars next to you first.  

75% of these happened in Nebraska, take that for what you want. :)

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