Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A New Life Out West

For quite some time I've pondered the thought of moving to Denver. I had the opportunity to do it right after college graduation, but decided at the time, it was a better decision for me to move to Kansas City. Well, times have changed, and I've decided it's now or never. I'm making the move. I've never been a 'blogger', but a friend of mine gave me the idea to start a blog about my journey for everyone to keep updated on what's happening in this new life of mine. I make no promises to regular updates - but I'll do my best!

The question I've been asked more often than any other is: Are you getting married???? Really?! I laugh everytime I hear that. It IS okay for a girl to move her life just because she wants to! So let me answer all the questions now. No, I'm not getting married. No, I don't have a job out there. And no, there is no family out there. I just love Denver. Every time I go out there to visit friends, I always wonder 'what if'. And I finally decided that there is no better time to make this change than right now, so I will never have to continue asking myself "I wonder...."

When I first started telling people, I don't think anyone believed me. To be honest, I didn't believe it at first. Even though I knew it was happening, it took me a LONG time to finally say the words "I'm moving to Denver". One of my best friends got off the phone with me and told her husband, "She doesn't know it yet, but she's moving out there. She just hasn't convinced herself yet. But don't tell her I said that in case she still decides to stay!" For some reason, this story gives me comfort in knowing that although it is a huge leap and risk that I am taking - it's a good decision for me.

I've had a lot of people tell me that it's really brave of me to do this, or that they're proud of me for moving. I will never be a person that takes a risk by jumping out of an airplane, but picking your life up and moving 9 hours away? Sure, why not. There are worse things in life that can happen to a person besides moving to a new city and not enjoying it. I'm just incredibly grateful that I have an AMAZING support system of incredible family and friends who are making this transition so easy for me.

Let the fun begin!!

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